


A LocalWiki for Philadelphia.

Why LocalWiki?

LocalWiki is a new open-source system for creating geographically-rooted wiki sites. Unlike MediaWiki/Wikipedia, LocalWiki provides a visual editor for pages and represents every entry with both a page and a map. It's the perfect way to document the history and hidden gems of your city

Where is it?

Project Activity

Update #2

We're using the LocalWiki Foundation's central hosting service now instead of maintaining our own wiki, this should keep things running way smoother and provide even more long term stability:

We need to reach out to local groups that could take advantage of this to share their local knowledge:

  • Historical societies
  • Neighborhood associations
  • Conservation groups

Update #1

Here are a couple of action items I'd like to grind out:

Create a Compelling Story: "Why Should People Care?" - Pride - Value

"Who Benefits & How?" - Tourism & Hospitality - Local Govt - Retail - Citizens

"How Do they Get Involved?" - hackathon - social media - crowdsourcing