


Garden Hero

Garden Hero is an outgrowth of Code for Philly's Civic Engagement Launchpad 2018. This web application aims to help community gardens better manage their resources in order to cultivate a better community of gardeners.

The idea for Garden Hero was born when two frustrated community garden managers began to yearn for a better tool to manage their memberships, plots, volunteers, and donations than what was available at the time. They found that using a myriad of tools to manage the garden and communication between members (a hodgepodge of Excel sheets, MailChimp accounts, Google Group email listservs, Facebook Pages, and CRM's) to be confusing, not intuitive, and allowed for avoidable mistakes to happen too frequently.

Garden Hero aims to solve those issues by allowing for community garden management in one single tool.

In our first iteration, garden managers will use the application to track plots, members, and the relationship between them.

Demo Day Goals

The project is focused on accomplishing the following by the May 22, 2018 Demo Day:

  1. Creating roles and users
    • CRUD operations related to garden managers, members, donors, and volunteers.
  2. Plot management
    • CRUD operations related to creating relationships between members and plots.
  3. Bookkeeping
    • Functionality to manage membership fees, duration, and types.

Nice To Haves

If we can achieve our Demo Day goals, these will be our next priorities

  1. Grouping
    • Managing groups of members focused around a particular activity, such as garden committees.
  2. Emailing
    • Ability to email users by displaying an easy to view list of emails to copy and paste.
    • Extend email capability to mass email select users through the application.
  3. Task Checklist
    • CRUD operations to manage tasks. Manager can assign tasks to members.
    • Extend task checklist so that members can login to application to manage their tasks and update them as needed.
  4. Tool Tracker
    • Allow garden manager to manage garden tools and status.
    • Extend tool tracker to allow garden members to update the status of tools.

Future Functionality

Our wishlist of functionality beyond the scope of launchpad 2018

  1. Track Donations
  2. Track Volunteers
  3. Event Manager
  4. Social Integration

Project Activity

Update #1

Lead up to Launchpad 2018

We are still in the early stages of planning and writing the application. If you'd like to help, please drop me a line at We plan to meet twice a week before the May 22nd Demo Day for Launchpad 2018.

Tuesday - Remotely (8PM - 9PM)

Sunday - Indy Hall (10AM - 11AM)