


iOS repo:

web repo: front-end is on gh-pages branch; master branch has server-side components

Philly Vote Check


Where is my Polling station? This Application is designed to help voters identify and locate their polling place based on their district, ward and/or address. In addition, the application will help voter that need assistance with accessibility locate polling places that can accommodate their needs.


Philly Vote Check will provide the following features:

Am I registered ? This feature helps voters determine if they are registered to vote by requesting some basic information such as Name, DOB and County. Where's my polling place? This feature helps voters determine where their polling place is based on the following information: Voters' District, Voters' Ward and/or Voters' address. Accessibility? For voters that require accessibility, Philly Vote will map all polling places that are fully equipped for accessibility. Voter Information: Philly Vote Check providers voters with all voting information and laws such as : Voting Laws, Alternative Ballots, Too Late to apply, and how to cast provisional votes.

Future Features:

Registration for Philly Vote Check (Name, Email, Ward, District) Important Dates and Deadlines A sample Ballot (How and Ballot looks line and how to use it) Candidates: Brief information about the running candidates Find your nearest precinct Polling Hours (For all Polling places) Notifications (Reminders to vote) Help (Reporting technical difficulties, trouble shooting and giving feedback)


Philly Vote is available the the following platforms: Web IOS

Project Activity

Update #2

Added option to look up polling location by address (instead of finding by looking up registration.) Also added lambda configuration for combining calls to find ward and division for address, and then looking up polling location by ward and division.

Update #1

Updated at #DemHack2016! Fixed modification to response and added an AWS labmda configuration for easy, affordable deployment, and the added security of SSL.